Misadventures of a slummy mummy
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Parting is such sweet sorrow.............
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has made kind comments and offered kind words. They mean alot. I never thought that anyone would be listening so thanks to those out there that have.
So for now I will will you all luck for the future, plus lots of happiness.
See you around,
Big Hugs
Catherine xx
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
My favourite pudding.

Sunday, 28 February 2010
Tiptoe through the tulips.
And last but not least a few pictures from my week. (the kitchen isn't quite finished but I am so loving the red!)(Also the sandels are from Zara, love at first sight and they are just divine!, what did I say about budgeting??)
Now I know it's Sunday but I haven't got any adventures to post today. It's been a dreary old day here, and the only thing we have done today is go out for lunch. No cooking or washing up for me=one happy bunny. This weeks other highlights include Lucas having 2 new words (there and mine), he's also managed to get himself up on high chairs this week, Harry telling me all about what he does at the childminders in great detail and coming home to big hugs after only being out for a few mins (grandad babysat!!)
So that's it from me now till Tuesday. Hope you like the new itinerary. Have a good few days and take care
Catherine xx
Monday, 22 February 2010
I don't like Mondays!! ( Tell me why?)
Well hello there everyone. I Hope that I find you well on this rather cold Monday evening. Did you have a good weekend? Enjoy the snow??
We had a very quite weekend thanks. As you can see from the title of this post I hate the day that follows Sunday. Just wish I could fast foward through the M word until about Wednesday, that would do for me.
Sorry there are no pictures tonight. I am in the process of thinking about the direction to take this blog in. I have started it to give me motivation to try new things with the boys. I started it to take stock of all the milestones they go through which I seem to forget, like the first time Harry said 'I love you' or 'you're gorgeous!' I started it to give me the inspiration I seem to lack when it comes to making more of an effort with myself. I want it to be true to me. As it is for me/us.
So I am off for a few days to ponder what to do with it. Should it be all focused on the boys and cooking, or should I include more aspects of my life like fasion and music? Any comments are gratefully received.
Right I am off to get warm, cups of tea and biscuits all round. Will see you all in a few days.
Take care
Catherine xx
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
101 Dresses.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Bring on the boys!!
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
About a Girl.

So that's it for now on that front I'm afraid, though I forgot to mention I like to eat chocolate (and lot's of it), dance like a loon and wear dangley earrings (when I'm not near a little person in risk of losing an ear lobe!)