Sunday 28 February 2010

Tiptoe through the tulips.

Happy Sunday everyone. How are you all? I'm ok thank you. After asking the question last Monday, about what to do with this space I call 'mine' and reading your comments (thanks guys) I have decided to take the following course. I will post on a Sunday, which will be all about the boys. The reason I started this blog was to try and get us out of the routine of watching telly and doing not much else (bad mother I know!!) and to hopefully give me the motivation I need to do this. I also wanted to gain inspiration from other people for purse friendly family fun.

The other reason I started this blog was to try and get myself out of the style rut I have become accustomed to (Leggings, long dresses and lots of jeans) and to get advice on outfits and the like. So Tuesdays from now on will be fashion, outfit and makeup related. I can't promise there won't be a pair of jeans in sight but I may just add a pretty scarf to the mix (though I will try not to get too carried away, ha ha)
I have also decided to blog on a Thursday too. Now after much deliberation about what to put in I have decided on the following route. Food, house and home. Expect lot's of cakes, low carb recipes (back to it tomorrow, and yes I know the bog standard cake isn't low carb boo hoo) and pictures of our newly transformed rooms as we are in the process of 'doing up' the house. I am also going to be looking at our budgets. This for me can be a big part of family life, it can dictate what we eat and what we wear, If we feel happy or in despair from one month to the next. I am rubbish with money but as I am getting to closer to 30 I want to learn how to be better. No more rubbish spending for me, so will be posting tips that I pick up and how things are going.

And last but not least a few pictures from my week. (the kitchen isn't quite finished but I am so loving the red!)(Also the sandels are from Zara, love at first sight and they are just divine!, what did I say about budgeting??)

Now I know it's Sunday but I haven't got any adventures to post today. It's been a dreary old day here, and the only thing we have done today is go out for lunch. No cooking or washing up for me=one happy bunny. This weeks other highlights include Lucas having 2 new words (there and mine), he's also managed to get himself up on high chairs this week, Harry telling me all about what he does at the childminders in great detail and coming home to big hugs after only being out for a few mins (grandad babysat!!)

So that's it from me now till Tuesday. Hope you like the new itinerary. Have a good few days and take care

Catherine xx


  1. Great ideas for a structured blog!
    Love the kitchen wall, the sandals are fabulous and the cat? I need to know more about that beautiful puss.
    Well done, Lucas, on those new words!

  2. I'm really looking forward to the new pattern of blog posts :)

    *also needs to know more about the cat*
